Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 3

Hello! Today has been my favorite day so far! Some highlights for me........

The first presenter talked about opportunity vs. obligation. When something is a "got to" - an obligation - then one starts to resent the people responsible for the obligation. I have to ask myself, "Who do I want to be?". Everything should be looked at as an opportunity; we don't HAVE to do anything. We don't HAVE to go to work; we can choose to not have a job. We don't HAVE to exercise; we can choose to be get the idea.

The first obligation that popped into my head was grading papers. It is my biggest dread........ I love just about every other aspect of what I do, but the thought of grading papers overwhelms me. It's not the grading itself; it's the time and great number of them. But I have to ask, "Who do I want to be?" Well, the answer is that I want to be a teacher that helps my kids learn all they can, and that involves feedback from their teacher. So, I need to "bump it up" and get over the "got to," resentful mode and think, "Hey, this is a great OPPORTUNITY to help my students!" If I am stronger and am the person I want to be, does that make my students stronger? Yes! Does that make my class stronger? My school? My corporation? My community? Yes, yes, yes, and yes!


On to another thought, say "yes" as much as possible. I've heard Linda T. mention this before from one of her daughter's friend's parents. As a parent and teacher, I have to admit that I didn't get this at first, but the idea - and I agree now - is to say "yes" to the stuff that DOESN'T MATTER! Let kids have control over things that you don't really care about or don't have a great significance. YOU have to decide.......... Does it matter.....if he has sagging jeans? if students are quiet while working? if he does his homework? is she writes neatly? if she has a clean locker? Does it matter when my four-year-old wants to take ten stuffed animals in the car on the way to school? No, not, why not just say yes?

I've really been thinking about what kind of person I want to be and what that looks like. I've been considering what I value........loving family and friends, growing in faith, working hard, serving others, being generous, and so forth. But what does it look like if I am living out these values? What am I doing? I'm getting a clearer picture of that. So.........

Who do YOU want to be?

Go Pacers!! :)

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